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COMMUNITY by FERRED - Disposable Cutlery
Description Code Product
MaterBi Cutlery

Environmental sustainibility:
Compostable and biodegradable

Withstand a maximum temperature of 85°

Do not use in microwave

C80031 MaterBi Fork (5 gr.)
C80032 MaterBi Knife (5 gr.)
C80033 MaterBi Spoon (5 gr.)
Set 2 Cutleries

Set 3 Cutleries

C80006 MaterBi Teaspoon (2 gr.)
C80034 Cutlery set 2 pieces (12 gr.)
C80035 Cutlery set 3 pieces (17 gr.)
Description Code Product
Wooden coffee stirrer

Environmental sustainibility:
Compostable and biodegradable

Withstand a maximum temperature of 125°

Do not use in microwave

C80026 Wooden coffee stirrer
(8 x 1 x 115 mm)